Contribute to Piko/RT

We welcome everyone to help to develop Piko/RT. This will help you to find were to help, and how to submit a pull request to GitHub.

How to contribute

There are a variety of ways to contribute to this project. Here are the list what you may help:

  • Write documentation.
  • Report issue when you occure.
  • Implement new feature.
  • Code review – this is always helpful.
  • Make a bug fixed and send the patches.
  • Adding new test.
  • Integrate new feature – benchmark, TCP stack, GNU utilt...etc.
  • Port to new paltform.

Create your GitHub account

If you have a GitHub account, please skip this section.

If you don’t have, please follow these step:

Fork Piko/RT repo

  • Go to Piko/RT repo
  • Click the buttom “Fork” at the right top side.
  • Done!

Clone the Piko/RT repo

You will need a copy of Piko/RT to work on the code:

$ git clone<your-username>/pikoRT

Create a local Git branch

If you make some changed to the project, and want to share with everyone, you will need to upload to GitHub.

First, create a new branch:

$ git checkout -b <branch-name>

Then commit the changed in this branch:

$ git add <your-changed>
$ git commit

Push it to your fork:

$ git push -u origin <branch-name>

Publish your pull request

You will then need to go to Piko/RT’s repo, Click Pull reuqests, Click green button New pull request.

Then reference this tutorial from GitHub: Creating a pull request from a fork

Git remotes

Your local git repo’s origin is your fork. So if you do something like this:

$ git pull

You won’t get the latest commit from Piko/RT.

You will need to add a upstream, fetch from it, then rebase:

$ git remote add upstream
$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/master


Before you rebase, you will need to stash all your change via git stash. After rebase, if you want your stash file back, you can type in git stash pop to get back your stash.