.. _build: Build Piko/RT ============= This chapter will help you start to build ``Piko/RT``, you will need to prepare some pacakge and settings. Prerequisites ------------- * svn: used to checkout `CMSIS `_. * wget: used to download required files. * arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib: cross-compile toolchain. Arch Linux:: $ pacman -S base-devel svn lsb-release wget $ pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib $ pacman -S python Ubuntu:: $ add-apt-repository -y ppa:team-gcc-arm-embedded/ppa $ apt update -qq $ apt install build-essential svn gcc-arm-embedded macOS:: # If you didn't build any thing on macOS before # please install xcode-select first $ xcode-select --install # install brew from https://brew.sh $ brew install subversion wget $ brew tap PX4/homebrew-px4 $ brew install gcc-arm-none-eabi-49 Build Piko/RT on Linux and macOS -------------------------------- Default make will build for ``f429disco``:: $ make You can change the target via ``PLAT``:: $ make PLAT=stm32p103 You can build faster via passing ``-j`` flag:: $ make PLAT=stm32p103 -j8 You can build with verbose output:: $ make PLAT=stm32p103 -j8 VERBOSE=1 Troubleshooting --------------- If you concur problem when building Piko/RT, please help to fill the issue on `GitHub `_, and maybe help to improve the build process, or improve this troubleshooting part!